Quick start


Two new admin models have been added to the app

The final step is to create a Materialized View entry and then perform the Create Materialized View admin action on that entry

Create Materialized View Entry

  • Title - This entry's title
  • DB Table - The name of the database table
  • SQL Query - The query that represents the database table
  • Periodic Task - How frequently do you want this table to be refreshed? Only three fields are required:

    • Name - the task's name
    • Task (custom) - this will be linked to the correct celery task automatically
    • Interval Schedule - how frequently the task should be run img.png
  • Indexes - concurrent refreshing requires at least one index

Run the Create Materialized View admin action


Here's a detailed explanation of what these admin actions do:

  • Create Materialized View - creates the materialized view in the database and enables the periodic refresh task
  • Refresh Materialized View - useful if you want to manually refresh the materialized view
  • Drop Materialized View - removes the materialized view from the database and disables the periodic refresh task
  • Delete selected Materialized View - deletes the materialized view from the database and from the admin panel